I'm Gwendorfine better known as Gwendolyn.
I'm doing my study at the AKI (school of art).

Photography has always been a great passion of mine, but in the pas few years it became more special.
A few years ago I was blind most of the time.
Because I wanted to see what I’ve missed I took pictures. "de camera became my eyes".
And when my eye side slowly came back I saw a lot more details, that I’ve had never noticed!.
With my photography I want to show you al the lovely details of the things that you take so easily for granted.

When I was a child my parents gave me a really nice Barbie doll, but I put it away the doll and played with the box.
Everyday object were so fascinating, I made thousands of new things just with wrapping paper and old piece’s of fabric.
When I became a little older I started to do photo shoots with my Barbie’s, i arranged every detail myself and made the clothes myself.
This was the start of a passion the passion of photography & artwork.
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